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2005 Meredith St. Block Party


The 2005 Meredith St. Block Party--our 5th Annual!--was held on Saturday, June 25th, 2005. Attendance was great with lots of neighbors, family, and friends. The weather was very hot--around 93 degrees--but a nice breeze kept us all cool. Great food was on the menu, as the block's grill masters contributed their talent including Rick "Wing-meister" Weiss, and a special contribution this year by Grove Haentjens who made fresh french fries all day long. Block residents contributed lots of good salads, desserts, and other dishes to the potluck. Long-time resident Betty who moved away (to sunny Florida!) in 2005 made a generous contribution to the block party which allowed us to purchase a beautiful (and delicious) cake for all to enjoy.

There were a temporary tattoo table, pinatas, water baloon toss, retirement advice from a couple of recently retired residents (who really just wanted a chance to rub it in, I think), music by a D.J., dancing, and a chance for everyone to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Thanks to everyone who contributed their time, talent, and energy to this year's block party. During the awards and announcements segment of the evening, a special thank you was given to Anita McClendon who has--for five years--spearheaded the block party effort, and given of herself tirelessly to make sure that the parties went smoothly, and that everyone enjoyed themselves. THANK YOU, ANITA!!!! In recognition of all of her work, block resident Shelby Feldman made a beautiful pair of earrings for Anita, and a special song was written by Jill Zanck (under the direction of Saralee Feldman) to show our appreciation.


2005 Block Party Pictures



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