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Advice For Retirees


Recent retirees Bert and Saralee, proud recipients of last year's Block Bum Awards, hope to shed light with their answers to some frequently asked questions from those contemplating retirement:



Q. Do I have enough money to retire:

A. NO!


Q. How will I know when I have enough money?

A. When your neighbor's house lists for upwards of $750,000.


Q. How will I manage all of my free time?

A. It's worse than when you were working. Remember this saying: I'm retired. I don't have the time.


Q. Should spouses retire at the same time?

A. Only if you will see less of each other than when you were working. For example:

  Spouse 1 Spouse 2
workout Life Sport bike ride
food shopping Whole Foods Trader Joe's
lunch with former colleague London's Rembrandt's
culture Art Museum Franklin Institute
dinner together home delivery from Pete's, Brigid's, Illuminare, etc.
evening Sit outside raving about how wonderful retirement is until your neighbors are sick of hearing it.



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