Block Party Meeting Minutes
1st Mtg.
Thursday, May 8th, 2003
7PM @ Hope's #2531
In Attendance:
- Kevin and Vivian 2526
- Jill (and Bert) 2508
- Laura (and Dan) 2525
- Barry (and Susan) 2520
- Mickey 2512
- Monique 2509
- Diane 2529
- Maureen (and Jim) 2539
- Kate 2543 / Alice friend & annual participant
- Marlene 2541
- Jane 2518
- Anita 2505
Please encourage your neighbors to attend the meetings and/or
help out with a committee.
Block Party Date: Saturday, June
28th, 2003 - Mark Your
Rain Date - Sunday, June 29th
*** Fourth of July - all agreed to block off the street again
Block Party Permit:
Doug will once again be knocking on doors to get the required signatures for
our Block Party Permit.
Planning Committee:
Consists of all those attending the weekly Thursday evening Planning Meetings
and Subcommittee chairs and/or reps. Responsible for overall planning and pulling
all the pieces together.
- Chair: Kevin and Vivian - initial
general consensus was to scrap the banners and use only lights / renting a party
tent (Jane very generously offered to pay for it). Also exploring ways to get
the old banner off the wires - Mickey / Jimmy / Christian's ladder????
Music/ Entertainment
- Chair: Hope
and ___________ - we need someone
to help Hope chair. Discussion on having a DJ - talk with Keeya and Maureen
on ideas. Cost? This would also give us a sound system for announcements / awards,
etc. Need to appoint an MC.
Food - Chair: Marlene and ___________ . Once determined, shopping is a 1-2
people job. (Lois did it on her own last year.) Need others to be responsible for distribution / table arrangement
/ set-up/ maintenance / GRILLS (at least 4)/ coolers / etc.
Activities/Games/Awards - Chair: Laura
and Monique - tattoos, beads, face painting, the pinatas always fun,
Scavenger Hunt, games, (Jill offered Palm Reading!) Need a new twist for the awards
and need to do earlier than last year. SPONSORS (for gift certs) (get with Kimmi)
Jane to look into the Black Cowboys for horse rides.
Also to be decided:
Start time: grills should be lit and ready to go 1/2 hour prior to start? Itinerary
of events.
Mr. Softee?
Jane suggested a sidewalk sale from the am till 3pm (prior to the block party)
Other items:
Treasurer - Anita
Permit signature person - Doug
Everyone wants name tags this year
Next Planning Meeting: Thursday, May 15th 7 pm @ Hope's #2531
Bring a chair, ideas, and neighbors!
Thank you all for a great start
and to Hope for her hospitality!!!
"Real generosity towards the future lies
in giving all to the present."
Albert Camus