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3rd Annual BLOCK PARTY

Saturday,  June 28th, 2003

Mark Your Calendars!!!

                              Rain Date   Sunday, June 29th

    *** Fourth of July – all agreed to block off the street again for the Fireworks!

Next Planning Meeting:

Thursday, June 12th pm    @ Hope’s    #2531

Bring a chair and join us!


Block Party Permit: Permit application has been signed by 89% of the block and sent in to the City of Philadelphia.

Entertainment:  We have a DJ from 5 to 10 pm and live music in between. This also provides us with a sound system for announcements and awards  - and an open mike for the brazen!

Food:  The Food Committee has two requests and would appreciate everyone’s response as soon as possible…

1.        GAS GRILLS – We need a few more grills on the street for the cooking of hotdogs, hamburgers and chicken. We also need relief grillers. We don’t want any one person chained to a grill; all work and no play is not the function of the day.

2.       POTLUCK -  Last year we noticed a shortage of salads and desserts. We depend on the “kindness of strangers” to help us out as these items are not included in the bulk food purchase. If anyone can contribute, we’d greatly appreciate it. We’re looking for:

      Potato salad(s), Pasta salad(s), Cole Slaw, Cookies, Cupcakes and Cakes.

***We are also looking for help with decorating the street and folks to assist with the games and activities the day of the event. Please contact Anita if you can give 45 minutes to an hour of your time.  Everyone doing a little results in a lot getting done!


                        DETACH AND RETURN TO MARLENE @ 2541



_______________________________   ___________   _____________________

                          Name                                              House #                            Phone #


                  I can provide a grill. ________               I can be a relief griller. _________


I will provide the following potluck dish; ____________________________________________



Drop off form to Marlene @ 2541, call @ 215-765-8098 or email her at


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